

«Catalog» is a categorized list of glifes.
The most interesting glifes are «named» and presented in the «Gallery».
Those that are manually processed and categorized are «typed».
All others are devided into 3 categories (good, so-so and bad) by machine.
| Conway | Conway3D | Tricolor | TricolorR | Langton | Hex1 | Hex3C | Hex3D | Hex33 | Conway3T | Conway3D3T | Tricolor3T | TricolorR3D3T | Partit1 | Partit3C | Movement1 | Movement4C | Movement4C16 | Bond4C | Field1 | Xchange1 | FHP1 | LeniaF32 | Cenia | Monia | LeniaPRT |

1583464 Hex3D 3456:123…(22)…5,4:1456 amoeba 2022-12-13 11:12:45
1581822 Hex3D 134:12,1…(17)…56,1:235 amoeba 2022-12-13 10:54:41
1581782 Hex3D 345:1235…(21)…25,3:125 amoeba 2022-12-13 10:54:11
1580953 Hex3D 12456:12…(28)…356:3456 amoeba 2022-12-13 10:45:45
1580620 Hex3D 2:1246,1…(22)…345,4:45 amoeba 2022-12-13 10:42:08
1580463 Hex3D 156:2,2:…(19)…6,6:1345 amoeba 2022-12-13 10:40:32
1580202 Hex3D 1:23,124…(17)…126,1:23 SaltLake amoeba 2022-12-13 10:37:42
1579786 Hex3D 146:136,…(22)…125:3456 amoeba 2022-12-13 10:33:16 © 2019-2024