

«Catalog» is a categorized list of glifes.
The most interesting glifes are «named» and presented in the «Gallery».
Those that are manually processed and categorized are «typed».
All others are devided into 3 categories (good, so-so and bad) by machine.
| Conway | Conway3D | Tricolor | TricolorR | Langton | Hex1 | Hex3C | Hex3D | Hex33 | Conway3T | Conway3D3T | Tricolor3T | TricolorR3D3T | Partit1 | Partit3C | Movement1 | Movement4C | Movement4C16 | Bond4C | Field1 | Xchange1 | FHP1 | LeniaF32 | Cenia | Monia | LeniaPRT |

1597862 Hex33 1206.101…(293)…23244051 train 2023-01-18 20:25:06
1595837 Hex33 11234160…(301)…32335103 train 2023-01-18 18:44:18
1595613 Hex33 11121521…(253)…:40.1324 Galaxian train 2023-01-18 18:41:27
1595451 Hex33 3242.101…(281)…30425051 Organizer train 2023-01-18 18:39:34
1595331 Hex33 10243233…(267)…33415006 Tableau train 2023-01-18 18:38:12
1593810 Hex33 1351.102…(303)…05051.32 train 2023-01-18 18:20:45
1592746 Hex33 11121315…(341)…41600402 Sparrik train 2023-01-18 17:45:49
1592359 Hex33 2060.112…(305)…03020504 train 2023-01-18 17:40:59
1591830 Hex33 11121523…(273)…11316002 SteamGun train 2023-01-18 17:35:01
1590888 Hex33 11131422…(265)…0.323304 train 2023-01-18 14:13:58
1590578 Hex33 304005.1…(319)…33060104 train 2023-01-18 14:10:43
1590157 Hex33 14243342…(317)…40425106 Roam train 2023-01-18 14:05:50
1587618 Hex33 10152351…(221)…24324102 train 2023-01-18 13:35:52
1586746 Hex33 112342.1…(283)…10302.60 train 2023-01-17 10:57:14
1585587 Hex33 14153260…(287)…40425001 train 2023-01-17 10:43:01 © 2019-2024